Herbal extracts - Now Foods Relaxation

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5-HTP (5-hydroxy L-tryptophan) is a metabolic intermediate between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin. Now Foods 5-HTP is extracted from the seed of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia and works as a serotonin precursor.
By ailmentsStress By needsSleep, Mood, Cognitive support, Weight loss, Relaxation, Serotonin BrandNow Foods
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5-HTP is a metabolite between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin, and is extracted from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. This product contains twice as much 5-HTP (200 mg in one capsule) as compared to other 5-HTP from Now Foods and also contains inositol and the amino acids Glycine and Taurine. It also contains niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6 in the recommended daily dose.
By ailmentsEar, Stress By needsMood, Sleep, Cognitive support, Serotonin, Relaxation BrandNow Foods
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Jetel luční je kvetoucí rostlina, která prosperuje v loukách a polích v celé Evropě, Severní Americe a severní a střední Asii. Je často zmíňována v tradičních lékařských textech východní a západní civilizace na různé obtíže.
By ailmentsDepression, Menopause, Ear By needsOverall wellness, Sleep, Relaxation BrandNow Foods
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Maca (Lepidium meyenii) se pěstuje ve vysokých nadmořských výškách v Andském kraji centrálního Peru. Maca je po staletí tradičně používána jako zdroj potravy a jako celkový energetický tonik. Novější vědecké údaje naznačují, že Maca může pomoci podpořit zdravou sexuální aktivitu a plodnost. Tento 6:1 extrakt gelatinizované maky obsahuje ekvivalent 4,5 g čerstvého kořene Maca.
By ailmentsEar, Stress, Depression, Menopause, Fatigue, Men libido, Women libido By needsAphrodisiac, Fertility, Relaxation BrandNow Foods
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5-HTP is a metabolite between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin, and is extracted from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. This product contains twice as much 5-HTP (200 mg in one capsule) as compared to other 5-HTP from Now Foods and also contains inositol and the amino acids Glycine and Taurine. It also contains niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6 in the recommended daily dose.
By ailmentsStress, Ear By needsSerotonin, Sleep, Relaxation, Cognitive support, Mood BrandNow Foods
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5-HTP (5-hydroxy L-tryptophan) is a metabolic intermediate between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin. Now Foods 5-HTP is extracted from the seed of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia and works as a serotonin precursor.
By ailmentsStress By needsSerotonin, Cognitive support, Mood, Relaxation, Sleep, Weight loss BrandNow Foods
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Common stress has been found to be a major contributing factor to overeating in everyday life. Relora is a clinically proven blend of plant extracts from Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense that support the body's response to minor temporary stress that can result in nervous tension, irritability, fatigue, sadness and nervousness overeating. The relaxing action of Relora extract helps control appetite and stress-related eating, thus helping in the effort to maintain a healthy diet.
By ailmentsEar, Stress, Depression By needsLearning, Memory, Relaxation, Cognitive support, DNA Protection BrandNow Foods
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Maca (Lepidium meyenii) se pěstuje ve vysokých nadmořských výškách v Andském kraji centrálního Peru. Maca je po staletí tradičně používána jako zdroj potravy a jako celkový energetický tonik. Novější vědecké údaje naznačují, že Maca může pomoci podpořit zdravou sexuální aktivitu a plodnost. Tento 6:1 extrakt gelatinizované maky obsahuje ekvivalent 4,5 g čerstvého kořene Maca.
By ailmentsDepression, Menopause, Fatigue, Men libido, Women libido, Ear, Stress By needsFertility, Relaxation, Aphrodisiac BrandNow Foods
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