Herbal extracts - Now Foods

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Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens) has been used as a spice for thousands of years. The hot taste of cayenne pepper is primarily due to an ingredient known as capsaicin. Modern scientific studies suggest that consuming cayenne pepper can help support cardiovascular and digestive functions.
By needsDigestion BrandNow Foods
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Now Foods Brain Elevate je vědecky formulovaný mix pro podporu mozkových funkcí. Brain Elevate obsahuje Ginkgo biloba a RoseOx( standardizovaný extrakt z rozmarýnu), dva rostlinné výtažky známý svými vlastnostmi pro zachycování volných radikálů. Tento produkt je také formulován s fosfatidylserinem, L-glutaminem a cholinem jako kriticky důležitými živinami v mozku, aby bylo dosaženo optimálních výsledků.
By needsNootropics, Formulation BrandNow Foods
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Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an herb that is widely used in Ayurveda, the traditional herbal system of India. Ashwagandha is used as a general tonic and adaptogen to help the body adapt to temporary stress. In addition, preliminary data suggest that ashwagandha supports the functioning of the immune system.
By ailmentsEar, Stress, Depression, Fatigue, Men libido, Women libido By needsCognitive support, Adaptogen, Overall wellness BrandNow Foods
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The root of true ginseng (Panax Ginseng) has been highly valued and used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2000 years for its revitalizing, adaptogenic and tonic properties. As a result of its very long history of use, ginseng has been extensively studied by many scientists and found to contain hundreds of compounds including ginsenosides, phenols and other substances that contribute to its biological activity.
By ailmentsProstate and Erection, Fatigue, Men libido, Women libido, Depression, Menopause By needsOverall wellness, Blood flow, Cognitive support, Mood, Immune support BrandNow Foods
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Peppermint oil has been recommended by traditional herbalists for centuries to support healthy digestion. Recently, they have been found to have beneficial effects on the activity of the GI tract, where, among other things, they stimulate the secretion of digestive juices. Now peppermint softgels are enteric-coated to allow them to pass through the stomach and release only in the intestines, where they can be helpful for occasional minor intestinal complaints like bloating.
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Výtažek z artyčoku má dlouhou historii použití herbalisty jako trávicího tonika. Moderní vědecké studie potvrdily, důležitou roli výtažku z artyčoku při podpoře trávení díky své schopnosti podporovat produkci žluči a trávení tuků. Kromě toho obsahuje výtažek z artyčoků důležité flavonoidy a jsou jedním z nejlepších zdrojů přírodního luteolinu.
By ailmentsCholesterol BrandNow Foods
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Tento výtažek rostliny Ginkgo biloba patří k nejvyšší dostupné kvalitě na celém světě. Produkt obsahuje navíc sibiřský ženšen (eleuterokok).
By needsAdaptogen, Cognitive support BrandNow Foods
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Tribulus terrestris has been used for centuries in ancient Greece, India and Africa to increase vitality and virility. Recent research shows that anchovy may support the body's defense systems, and preliminary studies suggest that it may help support proper endocrine function and male reproductive health. This anchor is of high quality and is standardized to contain at least 45% saponins.
By ailmentsWomen libido, Stress, Prostate and Erection, Men libido By needsAdaptogen, Fertility, Overall wellness BrandNow Foods
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The root of true ginseng (Panax Ginseng) has been highly valued and used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2000 years for its revitalizing, adaptogenic and tonic properties. As a result of its very long history of use, ginseng has been extensively studied by many scientists and has been found to contain hundreds of compounds including ginsenosides, phenols and other substances that contribute to its biological activity.
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Olive oil and olive products (Olea europaea) have been an integral part of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern culture for millennia. Although traditional herbalists primarily use the leaves in tea, they are also used in foods and supplements. Olive leaves have the highest free radical scavenging capacity of all parts of the olive tree. Olive Leaf Extract is produced under strict quality control conditions and is standardized to a minimum of 6% Oleuropein.
By needsSmokers, Anti-age, Anti-LDL BrandNow Foods
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Curcumin is considered the main bioactive component contained in the root of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a plant belonging to the ginger family. Turmeric has been used as a coloring and flavoring agent in South Asian cuisines for centuries, and has also been recommended by traditional Ayurvedic herbalists for centuries. Curcumin has been extensively studied by modern scientists for its various biological activities. This product contains a standardized extract of turmeric, without an absorption enhancer, therefore it is suitable for targeting the digestive system.
By ailmentsColon BrandNow Foods
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Berberine is a natural component of herbs such as yarrow, Oregon grape, and barberry. Clinical studies have shown that berberine helps support already normal glucose and lipid metabolism. Because berberine is known for its limited bioavailability, this product contains caprine (C10, a medium-chain triglyceride) to promote optimal absorption and maintain digestive comfort during berberine supplementation.
By ailmentsBlood sugar, Diabetes, Cholesterol By needsWeight loss, AMPK BrandNow Foods
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5-HTP is a metabolite between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin, and is extracted from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. This product contains twice as much 5-HTP (200 mg in one capsule) as compared to other 5-HTP from Now Foods and also contains inositol and the amino acids Glycine and Taurine. It also contains niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6 in the recommended daily dose.
By ailmentsEar, Stress By needsSleep, Relaxation, Cognitive support, Mood, Serotonin BrandNow Foods
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Pískavice řecké seno (Fenugreek) a tymián jsou známé kuchyňské bylinky, které jsou však také již po staletí používány tradičními bylinkáři. Pískavice je používána různými způsoby, mimo jiné jako koření či jako čaj. Odrůda tymiánů (Thymus vulgaris) používaná v tomto produktu je vyšlechtěnou formou divokého tymiánu.
By ailmentsDiabetes, Men libido, Women libido By needsDHT blocking BrandNow Foods
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Respir-All ™ je skvělá kombinace klíčových vitamínů, minerálů a bylinných výtažků, která nutričně podporuje správné dýchací funkce.
By ailmentsBreathing, Alergies By needsAnti-inflammatory BrandNow Foods
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Ginger root (Zingiber officinale) has been used since ancient times to support digestive function, and modern research supports the historical use of ginger. Some studies show that ginger can help maintain healthy gut flora, aid in the digestion of dietary fats, and soothe the digestive tract. In addition, ginger has a number of components that can support healthy heart function and the immune system.
By ailmentsCholesterol, Nausea, Menstruation, Digestion By needsFertility, Digestion BrandNow Foods
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Olive oil and olive products (Olea europaea) have been an integral part of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern culture for millennia. Although traditional herbalists primarily use the leaves in tea, they are also used in foods and supplements. Olive leaves have the highest free radical scavenging capacity of all parts of the olive tree. Olive Leaf Extract is produced under strict quality control conditions and is standardized to a minimum of 6% Oleuropein.
By needsAnti-age, Anti-LDL, Smokers BrandNow Foods
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Triphala is a combination of three Ayurvedic plants (Harada, Amla and Behada) that have been used in Ayurvedic herbalism for thousands of years. Triphala has historically been used as a digestive cleanser and tonic. Research in recent years has shown that it contains many bioactive compounds including gallic acid, tannic acid and epicatechin.
By ailmentsBlood sugar By needsFormulation BrandNow Foods
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Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like compound that plays a central role in cellular energy production. Coenzyme Q10 is found throughout the body, but is especially concentrated in the heart, liver and kidneys, and its production declines with age. CoQ10 also acts as a relatively weak scavenger of some free radicals in cell membranes and in blood vessels. In this product, coenzyme Q10 is additionally enriched with the hawthorn plant. Scientific research has shown that for some groups of people, CoQ10 helps maintain the function of the heart and cardiovascular system.
By ailmentsAlergies, Inflammation By needsAnti-age, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Energy BrandNow Foods
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Now Foods extrakt z hroznových semen je vysoce koncentrovaný přírodní extrakt s minimem 90% celkových polyfenolů, včetně oligomerních proanthokyanidinů (OPC), což jsou účinné ve vodě rozpustné sloučeniny zachycující volné radikály, které se nacházejí v hroznových semenech. OPC z hroznových semen mohou přispívat k podpoře cév, kostí, mozku a dalších tkání. Produkt navíc obsahuje citrusové bioflavonoidy, které jsou známé pro využití na ochranu cév a společně tak vytvářejí užitečnou kombinaci.
By needsBlood flow BrandNow Foods
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Nettle root extract has been used on record since the days of ancient Rome over 2,000 years ago. Throughout Europe, nettle root has been widely used for a long time and has also been extensively researched here. This product is manufactured to meet the highest global standards.
By ailmentsInflammation, Prostate By needsAnti-inflammatory, DHT blocking BrandNow Foods
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5-HTP (5-hydroxy L-tryptophan) is a metabolic intermediate between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin. Now Foods 5-HTP is extracted from the seed of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia and works as a serotonin precursor.
By ailmentsStress By needsCognitive support, Mood, Relaxation, Sleep, Weight loss, Serotonin BrandNow Foods
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Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) se v Indii používá nejčastěji pro dlouhověkost, vitalitu, mozek a pro dobrý stav pokožky.
By needsBeauty from within, Cognitive support BrandNow Foods
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Glucomannan is a soluble fiber that expands on contact with water and is derived from konjac root (Amorphophallus konjac) and helps maintain bowel regularity. Glucomannan may also help maintain serum lipid levels already within a healthy range. In addition, by promoting satiety, Glucomannan can be a suitable supplement for weight loss that includes a healthy diet and exercise program.
By needsWeight loss BrandNow Foods
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1 159,00 
NOW Foods, Turmeric Curcumin, 120 Vegetable Capsules Herbal supplement Standardized extract 95% curcuminoids Non-GMO GMP quality Vegetarian/Vegan Dietary supplement Curcumin is the main bioactive component found in the roots of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a plant belonging to the...
By ailmentsColon BrandNow Foods
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Common stress has been found to be a major contributing factor to overeating in everyday life. Relora is a clinically proven blend of plant extracts from Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense that support the body's response to minor temporary stress that can result in nervous tension, irritability, fatigue, sadness and nervousness overeating. The relaxing action of Relora extract helps control appetite and stress-related eating, thus helping in the effort to maintain a healthy diet.
By ailmentsEar, Stress, Depression By needsLearning, Memory, Relaxation, Cognitive support, DNA Protection BrandNow Foods
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Brusnice (Vaccinium macrocarpon) je keř rostoucí většinou v chladných oblastech severní polokoule. Klikva( brusnice) má dlouhou historii kulinářského využití v Evropě a Severní Americe již po staletí. Brusinky jsou nabité polyfenoly, taniny a dalšími fytonutrienty, které byly zkoumány pro svou úlohu v močovém traktu a bývají doporučovány pro schopnost snižovat adhezi nežádoucích mikroorganismů na stěny močové trubice.
By needsAnti-inflammatory BrandNow Foods
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Maca (Lepidium meyenii) se pěstuje ve vysokých nadmořských výškách v Andském kraji centrálního Peru. Maca je po staletí tradičně používána jako zdroj potravy a jako celkový energetický tonik. Novější vědecké údaje naznačují, že Maca může pomoci podpořit zdravou sexuální aktivitu a plodnost. Tento 6:1 extrakt gelatinizované maky obsahuje ekvivalent 4,5 g čerstvého kořene Maca.
By ailmentsEar, Stress, Depression, Fatigue, Men libido, Women libido By needsFertility BrandNow Foods
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Aloe Vera nabízí celou řadu živin, včetně vitamínů, minerálů, enzymů a aminokyselin. Za aktivní složku se považují složky mukopolysacharidů Aloe Vera, známé také jako glykosaminoglykany (GAG). Tento produkt zahrnuje další tradiční byliny, které doplňují uklidňující hojivé vlastnosti Aloe.
By ailmentsDigestion BrandNow Foods
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Noni (Morinda citrifolia) je rostlina, která se vyskytuje v celé oblasti jižního Pacifiku a je tradičně konzumován jako tonikum nativními populacemi tohoto regionu. Noni hojně obsahuje přirozeně se vyskytující polysacharidy, fytonutrienty, bioflavonoidy a unikátních estery mastných kyselin, které přispívají k ochraně před volnými radikály. Sloučeniny obsažené v Noni byly studovány pro podporu správné funkce imunitního systému a normálních buněčných procesů.
By needsImmune support, DNA Protection BrandNow Foods
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Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is an Asian herb that has been used for centuries. It is often used in Ayurvedic medicine to support memory, circulation, skin improvement and overall vitality. Nowadays it is very popular and used all over the world.
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Saffron is a well-known culinary herb that has been used for centuries but has only recently been scientifically studied. Recent research shows that saffron can help promote a positive mood, a relaxed attitude, and can also promote restful sleep. Other studies suggest that saffron may help promote a balanced immune response and is a powerful free radical neutralizer. NOW only uses whole saffron stigma powder, not extract.
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