Supplements - Doctor's Best Memory

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Magnesium is an indispensable mineral, important as a cofactor in more than a hundred body processes and as an element complementary to other minerals. Magnesium deficiency is much more common than calcium deficiency, which is often added to products of daily consumption. The form of magnesium taken is also important, for example magnesium oxide, which is mostly available in effervescent capsules, is only taken by the body from approx. 5%. Some better forms of magnesium, such as magnesium bound to amino acids, are much better absorbed by the body. A special form of magnesium is the form linked to the amino acid threonate (l-threonate), the production of which is patented and the only one that penetrates the brain barrier at the same time. Therefore, it can act directly in the brain to improve cognitive processes, calm nerves and improve sleep. Threonate, which occurs as a metabolite of vitamin C, has an interesting effect on its own. If this product is sold out, it can be replaced with Magnesium Threonate .
By ailmentsEar, Stress By needsSleep, Nootropics, Memory, Relaxation, Cognitive support BrandDoctor's Best
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Bakopa in the Synapsa formulation is just right for supporting visual processing, learning, multitasking, working memory, information retention and mental performance. Also suitable for demanding periods such as exams, work meetings and managerial decision-making.
By needsNootropics, Memory BrandDoctor's Best
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AlphaSize® (GPC, GlyceroPhosphoCholine) a SerinAid® (PS, PhosphatidylSerine) jsou fosfolipidové živiny, které jsou intenzivně zkoumány kvůli jejich výhodám pro různé funkce lidského mozku. Tyto živiny se přirozeně doplňují: GPC dosahuje velmi vysokých koncentrací uvnitř buněk; PS je stavebním kamenem pro buněčné membrány, které generují mozkovou energii a elektřinu. Četné dvojitě zaslepené studie dokumentují výhody GPC a PS. Pomáhá podporovat pozornost, učení, paměť, další kognitivní funkce Pomáhá pomáhat mozku a tělu zvládat stres Usnadňuje působení růstových faktorů pro obnovu mozkových drah
By needsNootropics, Learning, Cognitive support, Memory BrandDoctor's Best
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