Best Diet Supplements | Quality Nutritional Supplements for Your Health

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Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) neboli kopretina řimbaba se tradičně používá k podpoře správného tónu krevních cév. Tato řimbaba obecná je pečlivě testována a vyráběna v nejvyšší kvalitě.
By ailmentsPain, Joint pain By needsHead pain, Anti-inflammatory BrandNature's Way
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The root of true ginseng (Panax Ginseng) has been highly valued and used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2000 years for its revitalizing, adaptogenic and tonic properties. As a result of its very long history of use, ginseng has been extensively studied by many scientists and has been found to contain hundreds of compounds including ginsenosides, phenols and other substances that contribute to its biological activity.
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Kyselina pantothenová (vitamin B5) je členem rodiny vitamínů B komplexu a nachází se téměř v každé živé buňce jako součást koenzymu A (CoA). CoA je nezbytný pro výrobu energie z tuků, uhlohydrátů a bílkovin. Rovněž hraje rozhodující roli v mnoha biosyntetických reakcích, protože je nezbytný pro produkci tuků, cholesterolu, neurotransmiterů, červených krvinek a nadledvin. Kyselina pantothenová je tedy životně důležitá pro nesčetné funkce buněk a pro udržení zdravého buněčného metabolismu. Jakkoliv nepostradatelný a s mnoha přínosy, nedostatek vitamínu B5 je vzácný a pro většinu populace tak doplňování nemá smysl. Produkt jsme přidali jen na přání zákazníků.
By ailmentsAcne BrandNow Foods
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Swanson Apple Cider Vinegar contains a high dose of apple cider vinegar in each capsule for convenient use. Apple cider vinegar helps promote a healthy weight and reduce blood sugar fluctuations. Apple cider vinegar is a traditional home remedy made from fermented juice from crushed apples. Many people also use apple cider vinegar for its amount of vitamins and minerals and other substances contained in the apple. The taste of liquid apple cider vinegar is not for everyone and should not be overdone. Capsules with apple cider vinegar are a pleasant alternative to indulge in apple cider vinegar, regardless of where you go.
By needsWeight loss BrandSwanson
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1 444,00 
Vegan Astaxanthin 4 mg klíčové znaky : Ekonomické balení Non-GMO Bezlepkový Obsahuje Zanthin (přírodní astaxanthin nejvyšší kvality) Vhodný pro vegetariány / vegany Doplněk stravy
By ailmentsInflammation By needsAntioxidant BrandHealthy Origins
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Research has shown that the fiber content of a typical Western diet is usually about half of the recommended intake level. The psyllium (plantago ovata) and apple pectin (a component of apple fiber) in this product can be a good way to increase your fiber intake. Psyllium has the ability to swell up to 50 times its original volume in the presence of liquid. The combination of psyllium fiber and apple pectin in capsules thus represents a convenient combination for increasing the level of fiber, without the need to dissolve the powder in the drink. It is important to drink enough water.
By ailmentsDigestion, Cholesterol By needsBlood flow, Digestion BrandNow Foods
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Olive oil and olive products (Olea europaea) have been an integral part of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern culture for millennia. Although traditional herbalists primarily use the leaves in tea, they are also used in foods and supplements. Olive leaves have the highest free radical scavenging capacity of all parts of the olive tree. Olive Leaf Extract is produced under strict quality control conditions and is standardized to a minimum of 6% Oleuropein.
By needsAnti-age, Anti-LDL, Smokers BrandNow Foods
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PQQ (pyrrolochinolin chinon) je v minimálních množstvích přirozeně obsažen v potravě. Je antioxidační činidlo, která podporuje vznik nových mitochondrií spolu s podporou srdce a mozkových funkcí.
By ailmentsFatigue, Stress By needsAnti-inflammatory, Anti-age, Sleep BrandJarrow Formulas
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Now Betaine HCL is formulated to support an acidic environment in the stomach and proper digestion. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is found in the stomach, where it aids protein digestion by activating the enzyme pepsin. Pepsin is a protease produced in the stomach that partially breaks down the proteins in food. HCL production tends to decline with age, so supplementing with HCL and pepsin can help maintain proper digestive function. This product contains a plant protease stable in the acidic environment of the stomach with an activity equivalent to animal pepsin.
By ailmentsHomocysteine By needsMethylation, Physical Strength, Hydratation BrandNow Foods
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Healthy Origins Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) is a natural substance that facilitates the production of cellular energy. Inside every cell in the body are tiny engines called mitochondria. Ninety-five percent of the total energy created in the body comes from these mitochondria, and none of it can happen without coenzyme Q10. The natural (trans-isomer) coenzyme Q10 in this product is produced exclusively by a fermentation process that is biologically identical to the CoQ10 produced in the body. The Kaneka brand is known as the best coenzyme Q10 brand in the world.
By needsAnti-age, Antioxidant, Energy BrandHealthy Origins
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A mixture of 9 well-known adaptogenic plants in one capsule.
By ailmentsStress, Fatigue By needsCognitive support, Adaptogen
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Maca je známá rostlina, která patří do čeledi brukvovitých a je tradičně konzumována obyvateli vysokohorských oblastí Peru. Mimo doplnění důležitých látek v oblastech s jejich nedostatkem je tradičně využívána jako afrodisiakum. V současnosti je využívána muži i ženami pro podporu fertility a také sportovci a kulturisty pro budování a regeneraci svalů a podporu kostí, vazů a kloubů. Nevýhodou maky v prášku je nutnost relativně většího množství a špatná chuť. Tekutý extrakt z černé maky je tedy velmi praktickou formou, která řeší oba tyto problémy. Jednotlivé barevné varianty maky (bílá/žlutá, červená, černá) se od sebe liší ve způsobu použití a silný extrakt z černé maky je velmi unikátní produkt nejen na českém trhu.
By ailmentsWomen libido, Prostate and Erection, Men libido, Menopause By needsAphrodisiac BrandInca Botanica
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1 744,00 
Vitamin C is a basic antioxidant and a substance necessary for the human body. It participates as a cofactor in a huge range of processes, it is needed, for example, in the creation and maintenance of collagen and for the proper functioning of blood vessels, teeth and bones.
By ailmentsCold By needsOverall wellness, Methylation, Immune support, Blood flow, Antioxidant BrandDoctor's Best
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Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is naturally produced in very small amounts in the body, but it is also found in some foods. ALA is unique in that it can function in both aqueous and fatty environments. ALA supports the production of glutathione and can also recycle vitamins C and E, increasing their antioxidant activity. In addition, ALA may help maintain healthy nerve tissue, promote proper glucose metabolism, and promote healthy cardiovascular function. This product contains alpha-lipoic acid in the best and strongest dose of 600 mg in one capsule. In addition, it also contains grape seed extract and the well-known Bioperine black pepper extract to increase absorption.
By needsAntioxidant BrandNow Foods
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Vitaminy B komplexu jsou důležité pro produkci energie, tvorbu krevních buněk, zdravou funkci nervového systému a nespočet dalších metabolických procesů. Formy vitamínů ze skupiny B komplexu, které se nacházejí v potravinách a většina doplňků stravy však vyžadují konverzi na aktivní formy, aby mohly plnit svou funkci kofaktorů v biochemických reakcích. Co-Enzyme B-Complex od Now Foods obsahuje vitaminy B v jejich aktivní nebo ko-enzymatické formě a kapsle jsou odolné vůči kyselinám a díky tomu je dodávají do intestinálních míst pro absorpci neporušené, bez degradace žaludečními kyselinami.
By needsReplenishment BrandNow Foods
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Pro-Dental is a natural probiotic product formulated with proven probiotic strains to support healthy teeth, gums and fresh, odor-free breath.
By needsOral probiotics, Immune support, Probiotics BrandHyperbiotics
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2 085,00 
Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol known for its presence in red wine grapes. However, a much better source of active trans resveratrol is the Japanese knotweed plant, from which this resveratrol is derived. This product combines natural resveratrol from Japanese knotweed and red wine grape skin extract, which contains beneficial polyphenols. Resveratrol is considered an anti-aging molecule, thanks to its action on sirtuins.
By ailmentsBlood sugar, Diabetes By needsAnti-age, Overall wellness, Blood flow BrandHealthy Origins
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Vitamin D can usually be obtained from diet or from sunlight. However, it is not abundant in food. Since many people avoid sunlight, vitamin D supplementation is almost essential to ensure that the body receives an adequate supply of vitamin D.
By ailmentsMenopause By needsMood, Immune support, Overall wellness, Cognitive support BrandNow Foods
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Moringa oleifera je strom, po celém světě dobře známý jako zdroj rostlinných fytonutrientů podporujících výživu a zdraví. Řada mezinárodních organizací obhajuje pěstování moringy, jako pomocníka v boji proti hladu a pro podporu zdraví v chudých oblastech. Moringa, známá svými dlouhými jedlými lusky podobnými paličce, je považována za jeden z nejužitečnějších stromů na světě.
By needsOverall wellness, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory
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Curcumin is considered the main bioactive component contained in the root of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a plant belonging to the ginger family. Turmeric has been used as a coloring and flavoring agent in South Asian cuisines for centuries, and has also been recommended by traditional Ayurvedic herbalists for centuries. Curcumin has been extensively studied by modern scientists for its various biological activities. This product contains a standardized extract of turmeric, without an absorption enhancer, therefore it is suitable for targeting the digestive system.
By ailmentsColon BrandNow Foods
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Berberine is a natural component of herbs such as yarrow, Oregon grape, and barberry. Clinical studies have shown that berberine helps support already normal glucose and lipid metabolism. Because berberine is known for its limited bioavailability, this product contains caprine (C10, a medium-chain triglyceride) to promote optimal absorption and maintain digestive comfort during berberine supplementation.
By ailmentsBlood sugar, Diabetes, Cholesterol By needsWeight loss, AMPK BrandNow Foods
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L-Theanine is an amino acid found naturally in the Camellia sinensis (tea) plant. Studies have found that L-theanine stimulates the production of alpha waves in the brain, which may mediate the desired calming properties.
By ailmentsStress, Ear By needsRelaxation, Cognitive support BrandHealthy Origins
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Jergon Sacha je velmi ceněný stromek z amazonského pralesa, připomínající svou kůrou hada. Indiáni z oblasti Amazonského pralesa využívají hlízy Jergon Sacha jako protijed v případě hmyzího, pavoučího nebo hadího kousnutí. Jergon Sacha je velmi ceněná v peruánském systému přírodní medicíny, kde je na místním trhu k dispozici oddenek nebo hlíza jergonu sacha v mnoha formách.
By needsImmune support, DNA Protection BrandInca Botanica
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Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is found mainly in free tissue, especially throughout the nervous system. It supports the stabilization of cell membranes and helps the transport of minerals in and out of cells. It helps regulate nerve impulses and maintain normal fluid balance.
By ailmentsBlood sugar, Diabetes By needsOverall wellness, Anti-age, Cognitive support, Hydratation BrandNow Foods
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PQQ (pyrrolochinolin chinon) je polyfenol, nacházející se v malém množství přirozeně v potravě. Jedná se o malou molekulu, o které se jednu dobu myslelo, že jde o vitamín, což bylo později u lidí vyvráceno. PQQ funguje jako enzymatický kofaktor důležitý pro ochranu a vznik nových mitochondrií produkujících energii.
By needsPhysical Strength, Anti-age BrandNow Foods
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Fosfatidylserin (PS) je přirozeně se vyskytující fosfolipid odvozený ze sóji, který hraje rozhodující roli při správné funkci buněčné membrány. Fosfatidyl Serin s Ginkgo Biloba kombinuje dvě složky, které mohou pomoci podpořit správnou duševní aktivitu. Fosfatidyl serin je zvláště důležitý v mozku a nervovém systému, kde je rozhodující pro funkce, jako je paměť, pozornost a reakční doba. Ginkgo biloba může podporovat mozek díky své aktivitě prostřednictvím mnoha mechanismů.
By needsMemory, Cognitive support BrandNow Foods
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5-HTP is a metabolite between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin, and is extracted from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. This product contains twice as much 5-HTP (200 mg in one capsule) as compared to other 5-HTP from Now Foods and also contains inositol and the amino acids Glycine and Taurine. It also contains niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6 in the recommended daily dose.
By ailmentsEar, Stress By needsSleep, Relaxation, Cognitive support, Mood, Serotonin BrandNow Foods
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Vitamin B2, also known as Riboflavin, is part of the group of B vitamins. It occurs naturally in some vegetables, liver, kidney, wheat germ, milk, eggs, cheese and fish. Riboflavin is an important cofactor of enzymes necessary for the production of energy from sugars, fats and proteins. It is also needed for the regeneration of glutathione, which supports the body's natural defense mechanisms and detoxification systems.
By ailmentsHomocysteine By needsHead pain BrandNow Foods
Tyto chutné gumové bonbóny obsahují černé bezinky, vitamín C a zinek, známé pro své antioxidační vlastnosti a posílení imunity. Obsahují pouze přírodní látky, bez syntetických příchutí či barviv.
By ailmentsCold By needsImmune support BrandDoctor's Best
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L-Prolin je aminokyselina, která je spolu s aminokyselinou L-Cystein nezbytná pro produkci kolagenu. Kolagen je hlavní strukturální protein, který tvoří všechny lidské pojivové tkáně, včetně kůže, šlach, vazů, kloubů, kostí a krevních cév (žil a tepen). L-Prolin je proto stavebním kamenem, který pomáhá stabilizovat a posílit strukturální složky těla. Ačkoli je Prolin přirozeně syntetizován v těle, v situacích s vysokou poptávkou a při absenci správných potravin nemusí být běžná strava dostatečná k tomu, aby pokryla veškerou potřebu prolinu v těle a produkci kolagenu.
By needsBeauty from within BrandNow Foods
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NOW Foods Ultra Omega 3 + D3 is the strongest Omega-3 fish oil that contains 600 mg of EPA and 300 mg of DHA per softgel. This product is flavored with lemon oil and also provides 1000 IU of vitamin D3. The natural fish oil concentrate used in this softgel is manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is tested for potentially harmful amounts of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and other impurities.)
By ailmentsMenopause, Depression By needsCognitive support, Overall wellness, Immune support, Mood, Replenishment BrandNow Foods
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Pure L-carnitine is an amino acid that attracts water, which can cause it to deteriorate quickly. Now Foods therefore uses carnitine in tartrate form to ensure the stability and full effectiveness of this product. L-Carnitine is a non-essential amino acid that helps maintain overall health by facilitating the transfer of fatty acid groups to the mitochondrial membrane for cellular energy production. It occurs naturally in red meat and other animal foods, but supplementation is recommended to achieve optimal levels of this excellent amino acid. Now Foods l-carnitine is in its purest form, clinically tested and vegetarian (without animal sources). Thanks to the high content of carnitine in one capsule, it is very easy to use.
By ailmentsInfertility By needsFertility, Blood flow, Fitness, Metabolism, NO, Anti-inflammatory BrandNow Foods
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