Mitochondrial Preparations - Antioxidant

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1 085,00 
Ubichinol (ubiquinol) je redukovaná a aktivní forma koenzymu Q10 (CoQ10). Koenzym Q10 se nalézá ve všech buňkách těla, zejména ve vysokých koncentracích v srdci, a je nezbytný pro produkci mitochondriální energie a funguje jako vychytávač volných radikálů pocházejících z metabolismu tuků. Tyto vlastnosti činí z Ubiquinolu skvělý doplněk pro podporu výroby energie a ochrany před radikály např. v srdci, mozku a neuronech. Bylo prokázáno, že ubiquinol je vysoce biologicky dostupný a přidání MCT oleje (triglyceridy se středním řetězcem) k tomuto produktu přirozeně zlepšuje jeho rozpustnost a zvyšuje střevní absorpci a tím vytváří produkt s vynikající biologickou hodnotou.
By needsEnergy, Antioxidant, Anti-age BrandNow Foods
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1 092,00 
Ubichonol QH-Absorb + PQQ combines the reduced active form of coenzyme Q10 with PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone), which supports the production of new mitochondria. This combination supports both heart and brain function.
By needsAntioxidant, Energy, Anti-age, Anti-inflammatory, Sleep BrandJarrow Formulas
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The best stabilized R-Alpha Lipoic Acid contains BioEnhanced Na-RALA, the sodium salt of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA). Unlike pure RLA, or regular S-ALA, BioEnhanced Na-RALA is a stabilized form of RLA that does not degrade at high temperatures, is more bioavailable than normal ALA and has no solvent residues. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) plays an important role in glucose metabolism and energy production. Because it is soluble in both water and fat, ALA is known as the "universal antioxidant". ALA occurs in two forms designated as "R" and "S." Studies indicate that RLA, the natural form, is more biologically active than the S form, which is not natural to the body. This formulation also includes the vitamin biotin, which further supports the metabolic benefits of alpha lipoic acid.
By ailmentsBlood sugar By needsAntioxidant BrandDoctor's Best
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Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like compound that plays a central role in cellular energy production. Coenzyme Q10 is found throughout the body, but is especially concentrated in the heart, liver and kidneys, and its production declines with age. CoQ10 also acts as a relatively weak scavenger of some free radicals in cell membranes and in blood vessels. In this product, coenzyme Q10 is additionally enriched with the hawthorn plant. Scientific research has shown that for some groups of people, CoQ10 helps maintain the function of the heart and cardiovascular system.
By ailmentsAlergies, Inflammation By needsAnti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Energy, Anti-age BrandNow Foods
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Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like compound that plays a central role in cellular energy production. Coenzyme Q10 is found throughout the body, but is especially concentrated in the heart, liver and kidneys, and its production declines with age. CoQ10 also acts as a relatively weak scavenger of some free radicals in cell membranes and in blood vessels. In this product, coenzyme Q10 is additionally enriched with the hawthorn plant. Scientific research has shown that for some groups of people, CoQ10 helps maintain the function of the heart and cardiovascular system.
By ailmentsAlergies, Inflammation By needsAnti-age, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Energy BrandNow Foods
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1 386,00 
Vstaňte a hýbejte se. Tato jedinečná kombinace koenzymu Q10, NADH a vitaminu B12 poskytuje vyvážené zvýšení energie, které vás dodá po celý den. Koenzym Q10 a NADH jsou doplňky, které podporují energetický metabolismus a výdrž, zatímco vitamin B12 podporuje zdravé mentální schopnosti a vyvýženou náladu. Tento silný komplex společně podporuje produkci a udržení zdravé energetické hladiny.
By needsAnti-age, Antioxidant, Energy BrandDoctor's Best
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