Vitamins - Now Foods Replenishment

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It is a vitamin that the body naturally absorbs from the sun's rays, and which acts as a cofactor in many body processes. Among other things, it is important for the proper absorption of calcium in the body. It is also important for its joint functioning with vitamin K2. This results in a mutual regulation and together they ensure the correct storage of calcium so that it does not build up in blood vessels and the circulatory system. Apart from vitamin K2, other synergistic substances with vitamin D3 include especially vitamin C and some other micronutrients. Vitamin D3 in this product is contained in softgel capsules, filled with extra virgin olive oil, which ensures high absorbability of this fat-soluble vitamin.
By needsImmune support, Overall wellness, Mood, Replenishment, Cognitive support BrandNow Foods
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Choline and Inositol are members of the B group of vitamins. Choline is essential for normal synaptic transmission, cell membrane integrity and fatty acid metabolism in the liver. Inositol is also important for brain and nervous system health. Choline and inositol are essential components of all cell membranes.
By needsLearning, Memory, Overall wellness, Replenishment BrandNow Foods
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By needsReplenishment BrandNow Foods
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Tato produkt s hořčíkem a vápníkem v poměru 2:1 ve prospěch hořčíku je formulován tak, aby poskytoval možnost doplnění většího množství hořčíku pro ty, kteří chtějí těžit z benefitů dostatečné hladiny tohoto základního minerálu pro nervy, svaly a kosti. Zinek a vitamin D3 jsou součástí tohoto produktu pro jejich roli v metabolismu kostí.
By ailmentsStress, Menopause By needsOverall wellness, Multimineral, Immune support, Mineral, Replenishment BrandNow Foods
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By needsReplenishment BrandNow Foods
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369,00  297,00 
You save: 72,00 Kč
NOW® Calcium Magnesium citrate are fully reacted minerals. NOW® Calcium & Magnesium Citrate Powder with Vitamin D3 is a great bone-supporting formula designed by NOW's certified nutritionist. It contains key nutrients that play a vital role in bone metabolism. The citrate forms of calcium and magnesium are well absorbed and support strong bones and teeth as well as muscle and nerve function. Vitamin D3 is included as a calcium and magnesium supplement and for its role in maintaining mineral and bone homeostasis.
By ailmentsStress, Menopause By needsImmune support, Multimineral, Mineral, Replenishment BrandNow Foods
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Vitaminy B komplexu jsou důležité pro produkci energie, tvorbu krevních buněk, zdravou funkci nervového systému a nespočet dalších metabolických procesů. Formy vitamínů ze skupiny B komplexu, které se nacházejí v potravinách a většina doplňků stravy však vyžadují konverzi na aktivní formy, aby mohly plnit svou funkci kofaktorů v biochemických reakcích. Co-Enzyme B-Complex od Now Foods obsahuje vitaminy B v jejich aktivní nebo ko-enzymatické formě a kapsle jsou odolné vůči kyselinám a díky tomu je dodávají do intestinálních míst pro absorpci neporušené, bez degradace žaludečními kyselinami.
By needsReplenishment BrandNow Foods
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It is a vitamin that the body naturally absorbs from the sun's rays, and which acts as a cofactor in many body processes. Among other things, it is important for the proper absorption of calcium in the body. It is also important for its joint functioning with vitamin K2. This results in a mutual regulation and together they ensure the correct storage of calcium so that it does not build up in blood vessels and the circulatory system. Apart from vitamin K2, other synergistic substances with vitamin D3 include especially vitamin C and some other micronutrients. Vitamin D3 in this product is contained in softgel capsules, filled with extra virgin olive oil, which ensures high absorbability of this fat-soluble vitamin.
By needsReplenishment, Mood, Cognitive support, Immune support, Overall wellness BrandNow Foods
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